SPSB Student/Parent Handbook

Sur Les Pointes School of Ballet
Parent and Student Handbook
Fall 2022/Spring 2023

Now that you have enrolled with Sur Les Pointes School of Ballet; there are a couple of rules, guidelines, and general things to know. By everyone following this handbook, all will have a great time. We hope everyone has a terrific year!

GUIDELINES~~See website for this is updated regularly.

Students that are consistently late to class will be required to have a meeting with the teacher and the parent.
Tardy Protocal – 1-2 tardies - warning given;  3 tardies – mandatory meeting with the teacher {not while a class is in session}; *4 tardies – owner may drop student from the studio

No more than two {2} excused absences will be permitted in a month.
An excused absence is – a family emergency, death in the family, work/school conflict.

Unexcused absences are simply not letting the studio know that you do not plan to attend your class; or do not follow the excused guidelines. Excessive excused tardies and the student and parent will have a second meeting with the owner to decide the outcome.
*One unexcused absence will result in that parent/student being dropped from the studio.

All parents are required to send an email or a note if they are planning to drop a class.
Any dropped classes require 4 weeks in advance to give notice.
Failure to comply with above rules makes you un-enrollable in the future.

All cell phones are to be put on silent while in the studio. NO EXCEPTIONS
Please take all phone calls/or finish phone conversations outside.
Texting is permitted; however, if you are observing your child's class is a distraction to them and the teacher. So, please refrain from texting.

Tuition does not vary due to the number of weeks in a month, or holidays. You are paying for 4 weeks regardless. Some months have 5 weeks, and therefore, would be a higher price. {you are saving!}
Tuition is due on the 1st of the month
Tuition is considered late after the 5th of the month.
Late fee of $15.00 will incrue on the 6th of the month; plus, a dollar per day if it continues to be late.
Tuition is non-refundable.

All students must pay a registration fee.
This is a one time annual fee.

Please bring what is listed on the party notice. Notices are given out 2 weeks prior to the event. Someone not bringing specified item makes it burdonsome for other students/teacher; as they have to pick up slack {so to speak}.
Missing a class party – Please try to have your child attend, as this is created for them from the staff. SPSB does not have to schedule holiday activities.

This is the day/week that all parents are encouraged to watch their child's class. This is the only day/week in the school year.
All cell phones should be turned off to silent/vibrate
Photography is permitted – but no, flash
Video is permitted.

There will be a separate document for showcases and costumes. It is also available via our website.
All communications are done by email from the studio. We do not text parents or call. We only call if it is an emergency.
Please check your email periodically to receive the studio's correspondence, updates, or changes. We are not responsible if you do not receive it.

SOCIAL MEDIA~~No negativity from parents or students shall reflect the studio or its staff in a negative light.

MONIES PAID~~ All monies {costumes, tuition, showcase fee's, ectera} will not be refunded; even if you drop a class.

GOSSIP~~ Zero Tolerance for gossip of any kind. Parents or students found engaging in gossip, will be asked to leave the studio. 

Sur Les Pointes School of Ballet hopes everyone will have a great year dancing! If any parent should have a need to speak with me; please schedule a time and day to meet.
Artistic Director; SPSB
Wenda L. Koon

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